Thursday, January 28, 2010

When Perfection Leaves Me Empty

Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything. -Eugene Lacroix

I am not the type of person who makes the same hundred resolutions each new year because I don't like to disappoint myself.

"Well, I got 3/100 last year...I think I can do the 97 this year!"

No thanks. If I can't do it perfectly the first time, then I don't want to do it. So, where does that leave me? One resolution; two? In all actuality, it left me with none.
"If I can't do it perfectly the first time..."

Looking back over the last decade there are several things that I was successful at- earning my B.A., planning and taking a trip to Paris, earning the title of Miss Black and Gold, and reaching my 25th year. (Ok, so that was in the last 2.5 yrs but you get the point; just stay with me.) Although there were several key moments, I also know there were several key opportunities that I used guaranteed success to cover.

You know what...I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to force myself to take risks that could potentially leave me flat on my face. I want to be able to use my artistic talents and learn to be the best that I can be...and be proud of that!

It's time for me to start walkin' the talk. No more being timid because someone else out there may be doing the same thing (better). I'm just going to keep reminding myself that my own unique fingerprint will let me own this craft, this project.

Even if they're bumpin' the same LP doesn't mean they're bumpin' the same edition.

God has blessed me with gifts to share. I will stop being greedy!! Forgive me for being greedy!! So, I resolve to be a better me from here on out. To take more risks and remain faithful that God will enlarge my territory as a result.

I believe this will fill the void of emptiness, and I will no longer find myself on the spectators side of the metal fence, but in the action, contributing all of me.
